Saturday, February 4, 2012

Playing in the Poppies

Playing in the Poppies

This painting was done for a girl at church that I have often admired for her grace and for her faith, but especially for her strength.  At a very young age, she has gone through what no one ever dreams of going through.  She lost her two baby boys only a few days after they were born.  I remember reading updates on the boys, and praying for them not being able to phantom how anyone can go through this.  Yet they do.  I have often admired this girl from a distance. To me she portrayed a perfect example of God's grace.  When a lot of people would have questioned their faith and turned their backs on God, she and her family seemed only to draw closer.  It was an honor and a blessing to paint these sweet angels.

In this painting, the Red Poppies represent that the boys passing was not an end to their spirit, but an ascent to a higher place.  The white doves represent peace, a presence of the Holy Spirit with the boys, and a message of love from the boys to their family that remains on this earth.

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